Episode 406 - Jessica Dalton

What’s up guys! This week’s episode is my first ever podcast cold call! I’d never even spoken with my guest before we got on a session to record! Shoutout to my engineer and co-producer Josh for connecting me with my guest for this episode, Jessica Dalton! Jess is a podcaster and enneagram coach!

If you’re a personality test fan, curious about the enneagram, or just a fan of podcasters chatting, this is the episode for you! Jess and I talked candidly about the enneagram and all its facets and I learned so much! You’ll wanna check out this episode, and maybe keep a notepad close by because the facts and resources Jessica threw out are some I know I’m going to be referring back to later on! Grab some coffee, and come hang out with us for a little while!

Go follow Jessica on Instagram: @jesslovespersonality and follow her podcast @originalitypodcast to keep up with all that she’s got going on! And also, Jessica and her husband John have a new podcast coming out called “Bad Advice from Church People” that you won’t want to miss so, follow that page too: @badadvicefromchurchpeople and make sure to subscribe when it drops sometime in May 2022!

Shoutout to my engineer Josh for composing the MUSIC you’re hearing mixed into the episodes this season! 

Y’all, we have OFFICIAL ENJOY THE SASS MERCH!! Head to the Merch Page to put in your orders! I’m so grateful for those of you who have already ordered! Be sure you tag me on instagram if you order something! 


Episode 407 - That Thing You Do!


Episode 405 - Church Jams Now