Episode 213 - Josh Olson

What’s up guys! This week on the podcast I have my good friend, podcast partner, and engineer Josh Olson as a guest! He’s someone I look to for financial advice. On more than one occasion I’ve asked him, “What does Dave say?” or “Does Dave say yes?” to purchases or plans for my money. So, I figured since I’m still celebrating getting out of debt this year, we’d sit down for a chat on what being financially responsible looks like. We also talk about where he gained his financial wisdom and resources that have helped him, including Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. And because Josh is a super talented musician, we had to talk about his latest music ventures with Plainsmen Worship and Conifer. We also dive into music, movies, and what he's reading and listening to! This is an episode you might want to take some notes on while you listen because Josh drops some knowledge. I definitely learned a lot! Enjoy our conversation! 

I hope everyone is staying safe and finding moments of joy and positivity in this season! Please reach out if you have questions, thoughts, or if I can be praying for you! We've got some exciting stuff coming up, so be sure you're following along on socials, subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, so you don't miss anything! Get in touch! I love hearing from y’all!


Episode 214 - Vad and Hannah


Episode 212 - Kaia Oberg